Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

  • How is the procedure different than open capal tunnel surgery?

  • Both surgical procedures accomplish the goal of releasing the ligament that is compressing the median nerve. Open carpal tunnel release is done through a larger incision in the palm, uses a bigger bandage, has more pain, longer healing time, and longer time to return to activities of daily living and sports. Scars from endoscopic carpal tunnel release are barely visible.

  • Are the results for endoscopic carpal tunnel release as good as an open procedure?

  • The outcome in terms of symptom relief and recovery of nerve function are equal for open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release.

  • Is endoscopic carpal tunnel release safe?

  • The procedure is safe and effective for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and has been extensivley studied and reviewed.

  • When can I expect to resume sports?

  • Most sports activities can be resumed 3 weeks following the surgery.

  • How do I know if I am a candidate for endoscopic carpal tunnel release?

  • The procedure can be performed in almost all cases of carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Surgical Video